Health & Safety Safety comes first
Our responsibility for child safety is enormous since parents entrust their children to us. We meet our commitment daily with the same enthusiasm, by taking care of every single detail from the camp’s infrastructure to its daily operation.
Within this framework Sports Village Athitaki:
- Operates according to the ISO 22000 standard
- Disposes of a fully equipped consulting room with doctor and full time nurses
- kitchen and cooking facilities, equipped with modern stainless steel kitchen equipment and appliances, dispose of 5 refrigerators and food maintenance rooms, as well as a garbage refrigerator
- water supply is effected from the community of Grammatiko
- disposes of a biological cleaning and an autonomous fire extinguishing full network installation (plugs, cabinets, water tank) automatically activated in an emergency. For fire extinguishing and watering needs the area disposes of an own drilling.
- In the event of an emergency a special evacuation plan has been elaborated
- διαθέτει αυτόνομη και πλήρη εγκατάσταση δικτύου πυρόσβεσης (ρεύμα, δεξαμενή νερού, κρουνοί, φωλιές) που ενεργοποιείται αυτόματα σε περίπτωση ανάγκης
- seminars and staff training exercises on health and safety are regularly held as well as first aid nursery and lifeguard courses
- the area is guarded on a 24hour basis